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Future Cities Roadshow Prospectus Cover Page

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Learn how we can help showcase your thought leadership, build brand awareness and foster relationships with key Smart Cities & Mobility public sector decision-makers.


Total Smart Cities & Mobility public sector members
within our database. 


Projected number of registered
future city leaders.


Attendees are willing to consider new, compelling solutions

We partner with credible industry suppliers across the globe to provide them with a reliable route to the public sector market

Whether in-person or online, off-the-shelf or custom-built, each PSN program enables partners to differentiate themselves, and share case studies and success stories with stakeholders that matter most to them. Our highly-engaged public sector communities, and suppliers are able to easily identify, engage and educate their buyers via a range of products and services we have on offer.

Showcase your expertise and thought-leadership.

Demonstrate your capabilities and share your case studies along-side our key public sector experts and visionaries.

Build brand awareness and promote your solutions. 

Raise the visibility of all your services by promoting your brand message via our high-impact channels.

Generate leads senior public sector decision-makers. 

Develop targeted leads and turn them into sales opportunities through detailed audience profiling and polling.

Past Partners Include


“PSN events allow us to connect with our audience and give back to our clients under the banner of a 3rd party, bringing us more credibility.”



"I’ve been working on testing different events for state government and the PSN packages offer a lot of value for the experience and for the cost."



“5 out of 5! Please keep up the good work."



Partner with PSN

Public Sector Network can provide you with direct access to federal, state, and local government departments, as well as healthcare and education.

Our vast audience is spread across Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada and the United Kingdom and is strategically divided into our distinct communities, each made up of government professionals who have been qualified for their buying potential.

Our products deliver brand awareness, thought leadership, and lead generation across both in-person and digital channels.

Download Prospectus